The 1st Real Post
So the obligatory Hello World post was created and because I’m lazy I’ll leave it up there for you all to enjoy in its full glory 🙂  You’ll see from the date of it that I set up WordPress many months ago with the intention of doing something with it and of course it has just sat there dormant whilst I played with themes and plugins and whatnot … but now I’m going to make a concerted effort to actually do something with it.
So who am I, you might ask, and why am I doing this?
I’ve been a long time player of Eve Online, since March 2004 to be precise, and have probably not only entered the realm of ‘bitter vet’ but come out the other side. Â I’ve experienced many aspects of Eve from solo player, to corp member, to corp leader and now even though I am still a CEO of a couple of corps, in reality I’m back to being a very casual player.
So why this blog? Â Well because I can and its something I’ve thought of doing for a very long time and now seems like as good a time as any to do it if I’m ever going to do it!